Laser vision correction procedures can allow you to experience greater visual freedom and reduce dependence on glasses or contact lenses. While one of the most common side effects of these procedures is dry eyes, it often subsides gradually within a few weeks after surgery.
Keep reading to learn more about how common vision correction procedures cause dry eyes and how you can manage your dry eyes after laser vision correction surgery!
Why Can LASIK Cause Dry Eye?
Dry eye is one of the most common side effects that people experience after LASIK. It occurs when your eyes don’t produce sufficient tears or make poor-quality tears.
For most people, dry eye after LASIK is only temporary. Up to ninety-five percent of patients experience dry eyes following LASIK.
However, the number significantly reduces to around twenty to forty percent at six months. Typically, dry eyes after LASIK result from damaged nerve endings.
Nerve endings are densely packed at the front part of your cornea. These nerves are crucial for normal tear production.
During LASIK, your LASIK surgeon creates a flap in the outermost layer of the cornea or epithelium, which temporarily damages the corneal nerve endings. Once these nerves are damaged, they can’t sense when your eyes are drying out.
As a result, there’s a communication breakdown, and these nerves are unable to tell your tear glands to produce tears as often as they should. Consequently, this reduces tear production, leading to dry, irritated eyes.
Generally, dry eyes after LASIK can last anywhere from a few months to a year. Rarely, some patients experience dry eyes year after year following LASIK.
Can You Get Dry Eyes after PRK or SMILE?
Compared to LASIK, PRK is less likely to cause dry eye since no flap is created. During PRK, the epithelium is completely removed, allowing your surgeon to reshape the corneal tissues below and correct your vision.
In fact, if you have dry eye, your ophthalmologist may recommend PRK instead of LASIK. Similarly, no flap is involved in SMILE, so fewer nerve endings in your cornea are damaged.
How Can I Manage Dry Eye After Laser Vision Correction?
While dry eye after laser vision correction can be common, it’s also manageable. Dry eyes shouldn’t interfere with your life post-procedure.
Here are ways to address dry eye after laser vision correction:
Use Artificial Tears Frequently
After your vision correction procedure, you’ll be given lubricating drops to help with your dry eyes and healing. Artificial tears can help lubricate your eyes and alleviate dryness post-procedure.
Your ophthalmologist can recommend the best eye drops and the frequency of use.
Minimize Screen Time
Too much screen time can exacerbate your dry eye symptoms. After the procedure, your eyes are particularly sensitive, and cutting back on screen time can go a long way toward increasing your eye comfort.
If you have to use your smartphone, laptop, computer, tablet, or watch TV, follow the 20-20-20 rule. After every 20 minutes, take a screen break and look at something at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
While doing this, remember to blink intentionally. Blinking provides your eyes with more lubrication, preventing them from drying out.
Follow-Up with Your Doctor
Be sure to attend all your follow-up appointments. These visits allow your ophthalmologist to monitor your healing progress.
You’ll also discuss any concerns, such as dry eyes. If these tips don’t alleviate your symptoms, your ophthalmologist can recommend ways to find lasting relief and additional treatments tailored to your needs if necessary.
See the World through Your Own Eyes with Laser Vision Correction
Dry eyes shouldn’t be kept from achieving your vision goals. Our expert doctors at Morganton Eye will discuss all your options before recommending the most suitable laser vision correction procedure for you.
Are you ready to achieve your personal best vision with laser vision correction? Schedule an appointment at Morganton Eye & Surgery Centers in Shelby, NC, today to take your first step towards crystal clear, unaided vision.