Morganton Eye Physicians, P.A., a leading provider of comprehensive medical and surgical eye care services in western North Carolina, is pleased to introduce LenSx® Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery. Our doctors are among the first in the United States to offer this revolutionary cataract surgery option. LenSx® Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery brings a new level of accuracy and precision to conventional cataract surgery. With both the advanced LenSx® technology and trusted experience of the eye care specialists at Morganton Eye Physicians, P.A., patients now have more options than ever to achieve the best vision possible after cataract surgery.
LenSx® Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery
In conventional cataract surgery, the surgeon makes incisions to remove the natural lens using traditional metal surgical instruments and blades. During LenSx® Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery, the surgeon uses high-resolution optical imaging and computer-guided laser to plan and perform a precise surgical procedure tailored to the patient’s eyes and unique vision needs. LenSx® Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery gives exceptional results with lens implant alignment and astigmatism correction. It is also used with multi-focal implants, which give a full range of near, intermediate, and distance vision.
More Options for Cataract Surgery
With the addition of LenSx® Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery, Morganton Eye Physicians, P.A. now offers a complete range of cataract surgery options. Whether you choose LenSx® Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery, conventional cataract surgery, surgery with lens implants for correcting astigmatism or for improving near, intermediate, and distance vision, our team of experienced eye care specialists will guide you in selecting the right procedure and lens options to meet your individual vision needs.
Cost and Coverage
LenSx Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery is offered as an enhanced refractive cataract surgery beyond traditional cataract surgery, including other specialized diagnostic tests, and often includes a Premium lens Implant such as a MultiFocal IOL or Toric IOL. LenSx Laser- Assisted Cataract Surgery is offered as an additional investment by the patient because such premium services are not deemed medically necessary or covered by Medicare or commercial insurance plans. However, many patients find the benefits of this enhanced and customized approach to cataract surgery well worth the additional investment. This new innovation for cataract surgery aims to enhance refractive outcomes for patients who are hoping to be independent of glasses or contacts but does come with an additional investment by the patient over the traditional cataract procedure.